
Purpose: The Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) established DoD Frontier Projects to enable research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E), and acquisition engineering outcomes that would not be achievable using typically available HPCMP resources.

Eligibility: All Frontier Projects must be sponsored by a DoD government scientist/engineer and must use HPCMP resources to enhance mission impact and capability. Principal investigators for Frontier Projects may be scientists or engineers from government, industry, or academia. If the principal investigator is a DoD government scientist/engineer, there is no need to name a separate DoD sponsor.

FY 2024 Frontier Call for Proposals [PDF Version]

Instructions for HPCAP Principals for Submission of FY 2024 DoD Frontier Project Proposal Package [PDF Version]

Memorandum for High Performance Computing Advisory Panel (HPCAP) [PDF Version]