No matter where you are in the world, the Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) can link you to the geographically distributed supercomputing resources of the Department of Defense (DoD) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP).  The DREN provides the DoD research, test, and engineering communities with the wide-area network access they need to accomplish their respective missions. The DREN connects these communities to supercomputing resources and each other over a secure, robust, high-performance network which provides high-bandwidth, low-latency and low-jitter services.

Any DoD organization supporting a Research and Development (R&D), Science and Technology (S&T), Test and Evaluation (T&E), Modeling and Simulation (M&S), or Acquisition Engineering (AE) mission is eligible to use DREN services for the benefit of the warfighter.

The DREN can be deployed anywhere in the world where DoD research, test, or engineering requirements exist.  Today, the DREN has significant deployments in the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.  The research and engineering communities benefit from DREN’s high-bandwidth, while the test community benefits from DREN’s low latency and low jitter. The DREN enables each of these communities to access the HPCMP’s unique supercomputing resources, accomplish their mission, and solve the hard problems.