Suspense: 7 January 2016

The HPCMP is issuing the 2016 Call for Mentor Proposals for the HPC Internship Program. Contingent upon funding availability, the HPCMP plans to sponsor projects to provide up to 30 interns the opportunity to work on scientific or engineering projects using HPC tools, resources and methods. Qualifying HIP mentor projects will be funded up to $24K per internship to off-set some or all of the costs of the internship.

For proposal instructions, please refer to the 2016 Call for Proposals for the High Performance Computing Internship Program (HIP) [PDF version] and the 2016 Mentor Proposal for the High Performance Computing Internship Program (HIP) Form [PDF version] documents.

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All HIP Mentor Proposals must be submitted by e-mail to the HPCMP Office using 2016-HIP [at] by 7 January 2016.

All questions regarding the call for Mentor Proposals for the High Performance Computing Internship Program (HIP) should be directed to 2016-HIP [at]