Suspense: Closed

All proposals are to be submitted directly to the HPCMP Office (HPCMPO) by 15 May 2015. The HPCMPO requires proposals in Microsoft Word 2003, or later format, by email. Please e-mail the completed proposal to the point-of-contact for CAPs at the DoD HPCMPO, Dr. Larry Davis, Senior Scientist (require [at]

For proposal instructions, please refer to the Call for Technology Insertion FY 2014 and FY 2015 (TI-14 and TI-15) Capability Applications Projects (CAP) Proposals [WORD version] and the Call for TI-14 and TI-15 Capability Applications Project (CAP) Proposals Memo [PDF version] documents.

Any questions should be directed to Dr. Davis at require [at] or by telephone at 703-812-4422.