We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 Hero Awards.
They are as Follows:

Innovative Practice:   Melissa Nelson, ERDC

Technical Excellence:   Nicholas Bisek, AFRL
                                        Mehdi Ghorevshi, US Air Force Academy
                                        Phil Dysktra, HPCMP

Long Term Sustained Performance:  David Dumas, ERDC
                                                               Stephen Finn, DTRA
                                                               Ann Ware, AFRL

HPCMP Interconnector:   William Hayes, AFRL
                                           Kevin Schoen, AFRL

Up and Coming
within the HPCMP:   Abdul Williams, HPCMP
                                   Miles McGee, HPCMP

HPCMP Team Achievement Award:

  Shawn Woodson
  Cholwon Paek
  Dan Prosser

  DREN DJS Transition Team
  Rob Scott                   Kyle Krejci
  Stephen Bowman      Zachary Thompson
  Jonathan Belsan        James Bray
  Ron Broersma           Edward Jackson
  Mark Heck                 Bryan Keeler
  Stephen Anthony       Jody Thomas
  Bradford Bloyer         Heather Elliott
  James Cook              Eric Peterson
  Aaron Dymon            Edward Kosiba

Congratulations to all of our 2017 winners for their hard work and contributions to our Program. Keep up the good work!